- Understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.
- Empathize or communicate sympathetically; establish a rapport.
Example Sentences
“I’m learning a new programming language, but I already grok how we’re going to use it in the next project.”
“We grew up with different backgrounds, but my best friend and I grok each other.”
“I have a difficult co-worker, so I want to grok and get to know him better.”
Word Origin
American English, 1960s
Why this word?
“Grok” was first used in Robert Heinlein’s 1961 sci-fi novel, “Stranger in a Strange Land,” and while it was coined as a fictional Martian word, the meaning of describing a deep sense of knowing and understanding has many real-world applications. “The Jargon File,” a dictionary of programmer slang, says, “When you claim to ‘grok’ some knowledge or technique, you are asserting that you have not merely learned it in a detached instrumental way but that it has become part of you, part of your identity.”
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