- Depending on the throw of a dice or on chance; random.
- Relating to or denoting music or other forms of art involving elements of random choice during their composition, production, or performance.
Example Sentences
“The new riverboat casino brings in money from the profits of aleatory games.”
“This composer is known for startling aleatory elements in the middle of more sedate compositions.”
“Our meeting may seem aleatory, but I planned to run into you today.”
Word Origin
Latin, late 17th century
Why this word?
This word comes from the Latin “aleator,” meaning “dice player”, but the English meaning of “aleatory” refers to the nature of randomness, not necessarily the specific action of throwing dice. Aleatory games can involve dice, such as craps and Yahtzee, but other games of chance don’t require dice, including poker, roulette, and bingo. Another use of “aleatory” relates to art composition — random elements chosen during the production or performance of the art make up aleatory works. Jazz music would fit in this category.
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