



  • A casual romantic or sexual relationship.
  • Brief or casual involvement with something.

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Example Sentences

“I had a brief dalliance with pottery, but I was never skilled enough to make anything that survived the kiln.”

“My sister is having a dalliance on our vacation, but it doesn’t seem like it will last beyond our plane ride home.”

“Her dalliance with baking turned into a full-fledged operation where she delivers dozens of pastries to local coffee shops every morning.”

Word Origin

English, 14th century

Why this word?

The Old French root of this flirtatious word is benign: It comes from “dalier,” meaning “to chat.” In Middle English, “to dally” took on a more amorous quality, and “dalliance” became the noun for a casual fling. One may have a dalliance of a romantic nature, but the noun has moved back toward an innocent usage over time. “Dalliance” can be applied to any casual involvement, such as a hobby or a short-term agreement.

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