- Combining the serious and the comic; serious in intention but jocular in manner or vice versa.
Example Sentences
“The community theater’s seriocomic fall play should get the audience laughing and appreciating the emotional depth from the actors.”
“I want to watch a seriocomic movie like ‘Hocus-Pocus’ instead of a horror movie tonight.”
“As a screenwriter, I try to balance humor and deep topics in a seriocomic format.”
Word Origin
English, mid-18th century
Why this word?
“Seriocomic” is an older adjective for entertainment that blends serious and comedic elements. These are often called “dramedies” or “dark comedies” today. This is a familiar theme; think of the classic laughing and crying masks that serve as an emblem of the theater. Outside of the theater, the term “seriocomic” is historically associated with an interesting concept: satirical maps. In the mid-19th century, artists created seriocomic maps of Europe that featured cartoonish depictions of the various countries engaged in war across the continent and oceans. These seriocomic maps often depicted countries as animals, such as turkeys, lions, bears, and octopuses, with the goal being to balance the serious military campaigns with humor.
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